Fight for Families: Support for the Alabama Family Building Community & Beyond

Like many of you, I have been overwhelmed and angered by the judicial ruling in Alabama. I have a daughter from fertility treatment, and she would not be here today without the care and support from our amazing fertility clinic staff in Charlotte, NC. This ruling is already upending care and denying the dreams of many families in Alabama, and it has the potential to put IVF at risk nationwide. 

We've compiled a living document summarizing the situation, key organizations, and resources for both: (1) concerned patients in Alabama & nationwide and (2) anyone who wants to support the cause. 

If you have a question or an idea for collaboration and don’t see it addressed below, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at  

Our mission at Frame remains stronger than ever: we are working to ensure that everyone, everywhere has access to the care they need to build their families. And we will continue to walk beside each and every one of you on this journey.

Here for you, now and always,

Jessica - CEO @ Frame

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